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Sermon 1: Do You Trust Me?

For the month of September I’ll be the guest speaker/preacher on Sunday mornings at Cypress Bible Church. The five-week series is titled “A Faith That Can Change the World.” Here’s a brief summary of the first sermon:

Do You Trust Me?

What does it mean to have faith? More specifically, what does it mean to have faith in God?

Hebrews 11 is often referred to as the Hall of Faith. This chapter talks about some of the most faithful men and women to have ever walked the earth. What do their faiths have in common? And what do their faiths have in common with the Apostles and people like you and me? If we believe in one genuine faith, then what is the essence of that faith? What does it mean to have faith in God?

To answer this question we need to go back to the beginning, before the faith of Noah, before the faith of Abel. We need to go all the way back to the garden of Eden and look at the relationship that God established with Adam and Eve.

In the Genesis 2 creation story, God is described as the all-mighty Creator, and in forming a man out of the dust of the ground God is portrayed as the Giver of life. God is also portrayed as the Sustainer of life as He created the garden of Eden with its fruit-bearing trees that were good for food and a great river that watered the Ancient Near-Eastern world.

In the middle of the garden God planted two trees–the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. These trees at the center of the garden symbolize God’s central question to all of humankind: Do you trust me? God wants us to trust him, eat from the Tree of Life, and live forever; but if we choose not to trust God, if we choose to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, God promises that we will die.

This question, “Do you trust me?” is the central question of faith. Every person has to make the choice between trusting God as the Giver and Sustainer of life or trusting themselves as the Giver and Sustainer of life. The people in the Hall of Faith–every one of them–was presented with this choice, and they all chose to trust God.

As Christians we also have a choice–we can either find life in Jesus or try to find life on our own. This faith is more than believing Jesus died for our sins so that we can go to heaven; it’s believing that Jesus is our source of life today, tomorrow, and forever more. Trusting Jesus as the Giver and Sustainer of life is the heart of the Christian faith and it’s the heartbeat of a faith that can change the world.

To listen to the sermon, click on the podcast link below.

An Overlooked Perspective on Millennials Leaving the Church

Recent articles written about “Why Millennials are Leaving the Church” and “How to Keep Millennials in the Church” have left me wondering why nobody is interested in my opinion. Well, not necessarily my opinion, but the opinion of my generation—Generation X. We’re the ones born in the 60s and 70s, after the Boomers and before the Millennials. Granted, we’re not the largest generation, and we’re not that boisterous, but there are 80 million of us and we’re quietly reforming the church in America.

My intention here isn’t to whine or pout on behalf of Generation X. I’m not jumping up and down, shouting, “What about me? Pay attention to me!” I’m not demanding a seat at the table. I’m simply one Gen-Xer offering what I think is an overlooked perspective on the issue of Millennials leaving the church.

We’re Not Your Parents

First, I want to say something directly to Millennials. When you complain about evangelical Christians and the church being too political, too judgmental, and unconcerned about social justice, you’re not talking about Generation X. Gen Xers gave up on changing the world through politics long before you were old enough to vote and we’ve been leading the charge for social justice within the church for more than a decade. So the guys on television that claim to represent “evangelical Christians”—yeah, the guys you hate—they don’t represent us either.

So millennials, when you paint the church with broad, condemning strokes, be careful how wildly you wield your brush because you might not be as angry and frustrated with the church as you are with what your parents have done with the church.

Stop Selling Church

Second, I would like to explain why the question, “How do we keep Millennials in the church?” is counterproductive and why the question itself can cause a Millennial to storm off, muttering, “You don’t understand.” Millennials are the first “connected” generation, which means that they are the first generation born into a perpetual stream of media and advertising. As a result, they are able to filter information at a speed and in a fashion like no other generation before them; and therefore, they have the uncanny ability to smell a sales pitch miles away. So when Evans, in her CNN piece says, “Having been advertised to our whole lives, we millennials have highly sensitive BS meters, and we’re not easily impressed with consumerism or performances,” she’s making a profoundly important statement about how Millennials view the world. For Millennials, words are cheap and seeing is not believing. For Millennials, they have to experience it to believe it. And can you blame them? They were raised to never, ever, trust a stranger, and they grew up at a time when you couldn’t turn on the television without seeing a new update on the latest sex scandal in the church.

So Boomers, if you really want to keep Millennials in the church, then stop wrapping up Jesus like a Christmas present with a pretty bow and stop trying to sell church. Just love. Without an agenda, without an end goal in mind, just love people with reckless abandon, and who knows, you just might be surprised who shows up at your church next week.

Don’t Exchange One Product For Another

Finally, I would like to offer a word of warning to all us church-going Americans. Whether we like it or not, we’re consumers, and in the pursuit of experiencing genuine faith, we have to be careful not to merely exchange one product for another. As a culture we’ve been church hopping and shopping for decades, trying to find the church that fits us just right. But the truth is that the Church, in its purest sense, has never been about a building, a style of worship, or a liturgical form; the Church has always been about a community of Jesus-followers gathering together to worship God and serve one another.

So fellow Christians, I leave you with this: if or when you find the right church, don’t just sit there as though you’ve survived an exhausting pilgrimage across a desert and entered into the Promised Land. Because it does not matter what church you attend, if you’re not actively involved in being the church—loving God with all of your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and loving your neighbor as yourself—then, I promise you, your faith will run dry and before you know it, you’ll be on your way, searching for your favorite flavor of Kool-Aid within the newest church trend.

Awkward Moments in Premarital Counseling (Part 2)

(Written by Dying to Control contributor, Mike Ballman)

Here’s what happened on the previous episode of Awkward Moments in Premarital Counseling:

I was sitting with a couple in my office, discussing their relationship and their desire to get married. After I explained what I believe it means to be married, I looked at them in silence until I saw the light go on with one of them. At that point I asked, “Do you see what I’m getting at here?”

Then, in season-finale fashion, the episode ended with this surprising exchange:

“Are you saying we are already married?”

“Yes, yes, I am.”


In this week’s episode…

Congratulations, You’re Already Married

Did you see what I did there? I simply helped my counselees see that the marriage ceremony, the legal pronouncement of marriage, is not what makes one married in God’s eyes. Rather, it is the three-part act of marrying another – leaving, cleaving and becoming one flesh – that constitutes marriage.

The religious and/or legal ceremony is intended to be a public pronouncement of the couple’s desire to seek God’s blessing and guidance as they enter into the act of marriage.  Unfortunately, most couples put the proverbial cart before the horse and fully enter into the act of marrying long before they ask for and seek God’s blessing and guidance.

Since the couple is already engaged in a marital relationship by having left their parents, cleaved to one another, and become one flesh, the traditional premarital mandate – stop having sex until after the wedding ceremony – does not fully address the primary issue at hand.  The primary issue is that the couple in my office is asking me to plan a ceremony to invoke God’s blessing on their marriage when they have already slighted God by fully entering into the act of marriage without his blessing or guidance.  Therefore, it is my job to help them recognize God as the Giver and Sustainer of their marriage rather than as a ceremonial afterthought.

Consequently, much of my “premarital counseling” actually turns out to be marital counseling with a focus on strengthening the marriage that already exists rather than preparing for a future marriage.

Almost invariably at this point in the conversation I see a sense of relief pour over the faces of the couple as if I were a professor canceling a final exam the week of finals.  You see, I think most, if not all, couples know deep down before they ever step into my office that they are already married and that they have left God out of the union — they just need someone to give them permission to acknowledge the trespass and the safety to come clean with God.  As my good friend and co-contributor to Dying to Control, Leon, would say it, “they know they are hiding from God and they need someone to help them come out from hiding and face him.”  After all it doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to recognize that if they are already living together, sharing their money and possessions and having sex — the marriage ceremony will be like singing the national anthem after the super bowl.

Now, to the traditionalist Christian still bothered that I would condone sex before the legal ceremony, let me ask you: what if I’m correct? What if marriage isn’t defined by the words, “I do,” but rather, by what has already been done? What if the couple sitting in my office is already married in the eyes of God? What am I supposed to do with this biblical mandate:

4 “The wife’s body does not belong only to her. It also belongs to her husband. In the same way, the husband’s body does not belong only to him. It also belongs to his wife. You shouldn’t stop giving yourselves to each other except when you both agree to do so. And that should be only to give yourselves time to pray for a while. Then you should come together again. In that way, Satan will not tempt you when you can’t control yourselves.”  I Cor. 7

For those unwed couples I counsel that I think have fully entered into marriage before the ceremony, I’m not going to tell them to separate until the wedding day, and I’m not going to tell them to stop having sex — I am not going to divide what has already been joined together. What I am going to do is explain the essence of marriage and the implications of this passage and leave the decision to them.


Awkward Moments in Premarital Counseling (Part 1)

(Written by Dying to Control contributor, Mike Ballman)

“I will take Awkward Moments in Premarital Counseling for $500, Alex.”

“The answer is ‘I presume you two are already having sex.”

“That’s easy, Alex, the answer is ‘What is the big fat elephant in the room no one wants to address in the first session of premarital counseling.”


Throughout my fifteen years of premarital counseling, numbering well over 50 couples, only a fraction of the couples have answered “no” to the question, “Are you two having sex?”  That doesn’t seem that unusual in this day and age unless you consider that the large majority of my counselees grew up in the church and would enthusiastically label themselves evangelicals.  That is significant because a huge tenet of evangelicalism is sexual purity, which includes a strict prohibition of any form of premarital sex. Moreover, the majority of my experience is with the generation that was deluged by such classic sexual purity manifestos as I Kissed Dating Goodbye, Boy Meets Girl and my favorite— I Gave My Word to Stop at Third.  Actually, I am not sure that last one is a real book or something my youth pastor used to say.  Clearly, there is no shortage on teaching or ambiguity about the evangelical message that premarital sex is a no-no.  So why is no one taking this foundational teaching seriously?

I think, to most of my counselees, abstinence is some kind of deep magic that is only for the truly hardcore Christian.  It is a great ideal but no one is really expected to be able to do it—kind of like giving away all your possessions to the poor.

So what does a good evangelical pastor like myself do with this disparity?  The most preferable option for me and my counselees is to ignore the elephant.  However, I could risk losing my evangelical membership card for that one—so that is a not an option.

The textbook answer is to tell the couple that while it is true that the deep magic of abstinence is only possible for a few, all are held to its standard.  But not to fear, atonement is cheap.  If you agree to feel really badly about disappointing me and Jesus and agree to abstain from any further sexual activity until the wedding, all will be forgiven.  While that option is the best for ensuring that all parties keep their evangelical membership in good standing, it seems kind of hollow to me.

The option that I have found most fulfilling with experience and Scripture goes something like this:  why don’t we take a look at how God describes what constitutes marriage in Genesis Chapter 2? “ … a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife. The two of them will become one.”

I go on  to explain that I believe that the act of marrying another consists of three parts:

  1. Leaving your home of origin.
  2. Joining all that you have with another. (living together,  joining finances, sharing future plans, dreams)
  3. The giving of self, all that you are, in sexual intimacy to another.

I then sit and look at the couple in silence as they think through what I have just shared.  Once I see the light go on with one or both of them, I say something like, “do you see what I am getting at here?”

“Are you saying we are already married?”

“Yes, yes, I am.”


Two Become One Flesh

If you’ve ever heard me teach, you know—sooner or later—I’m going to talk about the story of Adam and Eve. It’s not because I’m obsessed with the story (although I admit that I am); it’s because the account has served as the backbone for much of Western thought and culture, including the subjects of sex and marriage.

In the account of Adam and Eve, we are told, “…a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh” (Gen. 2:24). This brief statement has served as the model for marriage in the Western world, outlining the union between a man and a woman in a sacred, three-step process.


The first step in marriage is for a man “to leave” his father and mother, meaning that the man is to exit the protective care of his parents; he is to step out on his own and establish his independence. This leaving is not a severing of the parent-child relationship, but a recognition that the man is no longer under his parent’s authority. Leaving one’s parents is an essential step in getting married, and if you’ve ever watched an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond, you’ve seen the conflict and chaos that inevitably occurs when a man refuses “to leave” his mother and father.


The second step in marriage is for a man “to cleave” to his wife. The verb that’s used here can be translated as “unite,” “bond,” “cling,” or “cleave,” and conveys the idea of two separate entities being joined together. In the context of Genesis 2, a man is supposed to form a permanent connection to his wife to replace the bond that he previously shared with his parents. This union of a man and a woman is typically recognized and celebrated by the couple’s family and friends through a formal, public ceremony—a wedding—in which the couple makes a lifelong commitment to one another.

Two Become One Flesh

The final step in marriage is for the two to become one flesh, which traditionally occurs on the couple’s wedding night as they consummate their marriage by having intercourse for the first time. Yes, “they will become one flesh” is a euphemism for sex. Now I understand that it’s in vogue these days to say that the two becoming one flesh reflects a oneness more mysterious and wonderful than sex alone, and I realize that such a mystical teaching makes for a transcendent-sounding sermon, but it’s a weak interpretation of the expression that cheapens both sex and marriage.

If you search the Bible to see how this expression is used, you’ll discover that it’s always mentioned in the context of marriage, except in one instance. 1 Corinthians 6:16 states “Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, ‘The two will become one flesh.’” Call me crazy, but I’m pretty sure that when a man unites himself with a prostitute it means that they had sex. And I don’t think prostitution is the oldest profession because men have an insatiable desire for emotional and spiritual oneness.

The idea of “two becoming one flesh” is a vivid and dramatic image of intercourse. And by saying that it’s more than sex or something other than sex, misses the meaning and purpose of sex. Sex is not merely a physical act for personal gratification. Sex is a holistic experience that engages our mind, body, soul, and spirit, and it’s the ultimate expression of intimacy between a man and a woman, making the two one flesh. That’s why sex between two people forms a lasting bond between them whether they know it or not, whether they want it or not. Sex is never just sex.

So what do we do? As I mentioned in a previous post, in today’s world most adults are having sex, most couples are engaging in intercourse before marriage, and most individuals lose their virginity long before their wedding day. What is a girl supposed to do when her boyfriend dumps her after they have sex for the first time? What is a man supposed to do when he feels guilty for becoming one flesh with more women than he can remember? And what should a pastor say to a couple in pre-marital counseling that has been sexually active for most of their relationship?

Now that we have defined sex and marriage from a biblical perspective, these are some of the real-life situations we will address in the weeks to come.

From Procreation to Recreation

Human beings have been walking the earth for more than 6,000 years, and as surprising as this may sound to some people, we’ve been having sex for just as long. The idea that sex is wrong, or dirty, or evil is a preposterous notion. Sex is good. It’s pleasurable; it’s inspiring; it’s a decent form of cardiovascular exercise; and if you leave out the whipped cream, it’ll help you lose weight. In a word, sex is awesome!

Given its lengthy and pervasive existence, it shouldn’t be surprising to hear that sex has served a multitude of roles and functions in society. It also shouldn’t be surprising to hear that like every good thing, sex has been misused and abused. Yet, despite its storied history, there is one aspect of sex that has hovered over humanity’s collective conscious—the potential of creating new life. The possibility of pregnancy has consistently given sex a weightiness, a sense of significance, that has transcended the act above merely being a means of experiencing physical ecstasy.

That weightiness, however, began to lift in 1960 when the FDA approved The Pill for contraception. For the first time in 6,000+ years, women were gaining power over pregnancy; and as research and technology improved, so did The Pill’s safety and use, giving birth to a sexual revolution. Today, the evolution from procreation to recreation is complete. As a society we embrace the concept of casual sex and “friends with benefits.” We believe that sex is a recreational activity that we can explore and enjoy with no commitment, with no strings attached, because it’s “just sex.”

Or can we?

Friends with Benefits

In researching the subject of sex and how we view sex, I watched a Hollywood movie this week titled, Friends with Benefits. I’m happy and somewhat sad to report that this film offers a more honest, accurate, and relevant commentary on sex in the 21st century than any sermon or biblical teaching I’ve ever heard on the subject.

In the movie, the two main characters—Jamie and Dylan—decide to add sex to their friendship, thinking that it won’t complicate their relationship. Throughout the film they consistently reassure each other, and themselves, that it’s not a big deal, that it’s “just sex.” But it becomes obvious to everyone around them, and eventually to the two of them as well, that being “friends with benefits” just doesn’t work, and in the end, Jamie and Dylan end up together.

In Friends with Benefits, Hollywood portrays casual sex as a naïve and childish impossibility. Why would Hollywood—you know, the bastion of liberalism and debauchery—do such a thing?

Because everyone who has ever had sex and is not detached from their emotions knows that there’s no such thing as casual sex. Sex is never “just sex.” Call it emotional, mystical, or spiritual—I don’t care—the reality is that you form an intimate bond with every person with whom you’ve ever had sex, and every time you climb into bed with someone new, you bring all those other people with you because you can’t control the thoughts, feelings, and memories that come rushing back. You can’t. They are there with you, forever.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m a fan of sex, a big fan. And I’m a fan of The Pill—I very much enjoy having recreational sex with my wife. However, I wish when I was 15-years-old somebody would have sat me down and told me their story, explaining how there’s no such thing as casual sex. And today, in addressing sex outside of marriage, I wish the Church had something more to say then, “Don’t do it” and “stop it.” I wish the Church would offer a relevant, biblical message about what sex is and what it is not.

That’s what I’ll try to do next time in a piece titled, The Two Become One Flesh.

Sex, Marriage, and the Church

In last week’s post—Can the Church Still Be Relevant—I wrote about how the Church needs to contextualize the Christian faith in 21st century terms if it wants to stay relevant. This week, I want to begin fleshing out what that might look like through a series of posts titled, Sex, Marriage, and the Church.

Sex is a popular subject these days. Television shows like Sex in the City and movies like Pleasantville have brought sex out of the dark and into the light of mainstream culture. What was once a utilitarian act performed for the sake of begetting children is now a recreational activity for everyone (over the age of 18) to discuss, explore, and enjoy. In response to this sexual revolution what is the Church supposed to say? What is the Church supposed to do?

Here’s what the Church is saying: “Don’t have sex outside of marriage, and if you are having sex outside of marriage, stop it.” And here’s what the Church is doing: nothing. The Church’s commentary on sex hasn’t changed or progressed in 2,000 years, and in what appears to be a losing battle, the church is doing less and less to address this epidemic. It’s remarkable to think that instead of engaging one of the most important social and moral issues of our time, the Church occasionally whispers, “You shouldn’t do that,” and has turned a blind eye to sexual promiscuity, except, of course, in the case of homosexual relations.

So what is the Church supposed to do? Should the Church take a stronger position on abstinence and discipline those having sex outside of marriage? Should the Church go in the opposite direction and somehow try to reconcile traditional beliefs with the values of our current culture? Or should the Church mind its own business by continuing its current “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.

As I mentioned last week, being relevant is not about defending your theology or changing your doctrine; being relevant is about explaining your beliefs in a way that connects with people and the world in which they live. In today’s world, most adults are having sex, most couples engage in intercourse before marriage, and most individuals lose their virginity long before their wedding day. For a priest or a pastor to stand in front of a congregation and say, “Don’t have sex,” is like a principal telling a group of children in detention, “Don’t get in trouble.” It’s too late, it’s already happened. At that point, what people need is a relevant message to help them deal with what’s already been done.

On the issue of sex, the Church doesn’t need to change its position, but it better have more to say about sex outside of marriage than, “Stop it.” The Church needs to reclaim sex—it needs to educate people about how this most intimate of acts transcends physical gratification—and the Church needs to explain how every sexual encounter binds two people together forever. You see, being relevant is about meeting people where they are, in the world in which they live, with a message that has real-life implications. The Church needs to be talking about sex in a relevant way, which is what I’m trying to do in this series on sex, marriage, and the Church.

Join me next time as we look at sex in how it’s evolved From Procreation to Recreation.

Can the Church Still Be Relevant?

Whether it’s a student in a classroom, a parishioner in a pew, or a judge on American Idol, everyone seems to be asking the question: “How is this relevant?” Granted, the word itself may be trendy, and the labels “relevant” and “irrelevant” may be a passing fad, but the need to be relevant will never go out of style. Being relevant, however, isn’t about being on the cutting edge, or cool, or entertaining; being relevant is about telling a story or communicating a message that has real-life importance. And in this age of information, where we are confronted by an ever-increasing stream of data, the need to be relevant has never been, well, more relevant.

In recent years, the issue of relevance has been a hot topic in the Church, with clergy and parishioners questioning whether certain long-standing doctrinal positions and points of theology are still relevant. In response, some branches of the Church have altered a few of their positions, others have more vigorously defended all of their beliefs, while still others have obtained Twitter accounts.

The issue of whether or not the Church is still relevant, however, is not primarily determined by doctrine or the effective use of technology; the Church’s relevance is primarily determined by its ability to communicate its beliefs in a way that connects with the current culture. In other words, for the Church to be relevant, it doesn’t need to change or defend its theology, the Church just needs to explain its theology in a way that connects with people and the world in which they live. If the Church wants to continue being relevant, then the Church needs to contextualize the Christian faith, taking into account that in the 21st century:

  1. Our perception of the world has changed;
  2. Our perception of humanity has changed; and
  3. Our perception of God has changed.

Our Perception of the World Has Changed

Over the course of human history our understanding of the material world and how it came into existence has evolved. The current atomic theory—that atoms serve as the fundamental building blocks of nature—is a relatively new worldview and it significantly impacts our understanding of the Christian faith.

Take for example the sacrament of Communion. When a priest or pastor holds up the elements, pronouncing that this is the body and blood of Christ, what is he saying? 21st century people who ask this question want to know what is in his hands, atomically. The answer “We just believe it in faith” avoids the question and referencing a pre-Modern creed or theological statement isn’t helpful because it’s not written from an atomic perspective. The point here is not that the Church needs to offer a bio-chemical statement about what happens to the elements in Communion; the point here is that the Church needs to address 21st century questions in 21st century terms if it wants to stay relevant.

Our Perception of Humanity Has Changed

In recent years our view of humanity has also gone through significant change. We now have a genetic perspective on life, meaning that we see every person as a unique human being, each having his/her own distinct DNA. The implications of this new perspective are far-reaching. Just consider the impact it has on our understanding of human nature. An essential Christian doctrine has been the belief that every human being has a sinful nature that we inherited from the first man—Adam. From a genetic perspective, what does it mean that we have a sinful nature? Where do we look to find the sin that’s within us? And how is sin passed from one generation to the next? Again, I’m not suggesting that the historic Christian faith needs to be altered; what I’m saying is that the faith needs to be contextualized if it’s going to stay relevant.

Our Perception of God Has Changed

For most of human history an earthquake, a volcanic eruption, and virtually every other catastrophic event has been viewed as a supernatural act of God. Today we call these “acts of God” natural disasters. Our ability to rationally explain natural events also diminishes the number of “miracles” we see, because once we can explain an event, we no longer attribute it to God. As a result, we don’t see the hand of God at work around us the way people once did, and the more we progress, the less we will see God and acknowledge our need for God.

Where Do We Go From Here?

So where do we go from here? Given all that’s changed and will continue to change, is it possible for the Church to stay relevant? I think so, but not by trying to be on the cutting edge, or cool, or entertaining. You see, the Church always has the potential to be relevant because regardless of how much we progress as a civilization, we are still imperfect creatures, living in a hostile world, and sometimes God is the only relevant answer.

Stop and Smell the Roses

A few months ago I was eating dinner with my wife and daughters at a local, Italian restaurant when six teenagers walked in. They were wearing formal attire—the three young men were sporting suits and the three young ladies were dressed in gowns, the expensive kind, the kind that women spend months picking out to wear for just one, special night. I watched the hostess walk up and greet the party of six and escort them to their table.

Scenes like this make me smile. I don’t know if it’s because it reminds me of my youth, when I ventured into the world of love and romance, or if it’s something simpler than that. Whatever the reason—it really doesn’t matter—it’s just nice to watch an event like this unfold.

Sometime later, I looked over at their table, curious how the date was progressing. I was surprised by what I saw. They weren’t nervously eating, or talking, or even looking at each other. All six teenagers were feverishly thumbing on their cell phones. I have no idea if they were texting, tweeting, posting, pinning, surfing, or something else-ing. All I know is that they weren’t paying attention to each other. All the excitement, expectation, and preparation for this one, special night, and they were missing it. Sure, they were there together, but each of them was someplace else.

I didn’t know what to think or how to feel; I just had an eerie sense that something wasn’t right. A few seconds later I turned away and never looked back, but the image of them sitting around the table—each in their own world—has stuck in my mind.

Is today’s youth so “plugged-in” that they are unable to focus on where they are and the ones they’re with?

Has the world changed that much?

Back in August, 2001, when my wife was pregnant with our first child, Kirstin, we moved to Utica, NY, where I began my career as a pastor. The church didn’t have a building, so I purchased a cell phone that served as the church’s phone and as a way for people to contact me in case of an emergency. It didn’t take long for that number to be the one people also called when they just wanted to talk. Feeling responsible to love and serve the congregation, I answered the phone every time it rang. It didn’t matter where I was or what I was doing, I always answered the phone, and it rang a lot.

Three years later, I was sitting in bed with Kirstin, playing a game, when surprise, surprise, my phone rang. As I started to reach for the phone, Kirstin beat me to it. She grabbed the phone, stuck it under the sheets, and looked at me with expectant eyes. She might as well have said, “Daddy, for once can you please just pay attention to me.” It broke my heart.

I would like to say that things changed after that. I would like to say that from that point forward whenever I was with my family I let the phone go to voicemail. But I can’t, because I didn’t. Occasionally, I would let the phone ring, but most of the time I thought my job was too important, so I excused myself and answered the call.

I answered the call to love parishioners above the call to love my own family.

The truth is: I’m not all that different than the teenagers I saw at the restaurant a few months ago. I may not be fixated on my phone, caught up in the social media craze, but I still answer my phone more often than I should. I also confess that even when I’m not on the phone, there are times that I’m out to dinner with my family, but my mind is someplace else.

So where do I go from here?

Well, today is Valentine’s Day, and I’m typically not a big fan of Hallmark holidays, but this year I’m going to buy my wife and each of my daughters a bouquet of flowers and a card—not because I have to, but because I love them. They don’t know it, but I’m also going to take them out to dinner and give them my undivided attention, because what’s the point of buying flowers and taking your date out to dinner if you don’t take the time to stop and smell the roses.

Just Another Manic Sunday

It’s Sunday, and the morning routine is much the same as any other day, except for one inexplicable difference: the force of Murphy’s Law—whatever can go wrong will go wrong—is strongest on Sunday mornings.

It starts with everyone being slow to get out of bed. It happens every Sunday, but each time it seems to come as a surprise and creates the time pressure of being fifteen minutes behind schedule.

Not long after, son pushes his little sister. Sister hits her head on the kitchen table. Ten minutes of wiping away of tears, hugs, and a spanking for son create another delay. The family is now twenty-five minutes behind schedule.

Dad jumps into the shower only to step on a yellow rubber ducky that mom didn’t put away after bathing daughter the night before. Dad slips, catches himself, but feels a twinge in his hamstring and aggravates a shoulder injury he first suffered during his high school athletic career, when a boy feels no pain and answers the call, “Suck it up!” Twenty years later, dad feels the pain as it spurs into anger towards his wife.

“Son of a…! There’s no soap!”

Dad, unable to suck up his pain, sucks up his anger. He finishes his shampoo shower and continues his morning routine with one arm and a limp, saying as little as possible.

Mom, seeing dad hobble into the bedroom, asks if everything is okay. Dad’s glare communicates more than either of them want to discuss.

Mom returns to pulling up her pantyhose, but wouldn’t you know it, they get a run and, of course, they are her last pair.

Dad’s limp and mom’s wardrobe malfunction combine for another eight-minute delay. If you do the math, the family is now thirty-three minutes behind schedule, but somehow, somewhere, Murphy showed up and the family is an hour behind.

“I guess we’ll have to go to the second service…again,” Dad mutters. The words and tone suggest that the delay is Moms’ fault—it’s always Mom’s fault.

Eventually they finish getting ready, load up the car, and go—the Average family is on their way to church. The ride is silent. Daughter rubs the bump on her head as she plots her revenge. Son stews over the spanking he received, knowing that his mother hit him in anger, making her a hypocrite and no better than himself for pushing his sister. Mom thinks about what she will wear to church next week given that she had to put on next week’s outfit today. And dad sucks up his bubbling anger, but after having to stop at five red lights, can’t hold back any longer and erupts, “Un-freaking-believable!”

The Average family finally makes it to church with a few minutes to spare, and mom and dad put on their happy faces as they exchange pleasantries with the people they pass on their way to the sanctuary.

“Hello, how are you doing?”

“Good. How are you doing?”


This exchange is repeated over and over, again and again, week after week.

As son and daughter get older, they begin to resent the very notion of going to church. They wonder, “What’s the point?” and dream of being old enough to stay home. But until then, it’s just another manic Sunday.